what is the difference between ' possible' and ' probably'? i wanna know the right answer,,thanks so much here.yeah...not' wanna'..i want to know the right answer. thanks
30 août 2014 16:34
Réponses · 10
Kathy, please don't write 'wanna'. It looks horrible. Possible means it can happen. Probable means it is likely that it will happen.
30 août 2014
Everything is possible, but it probably won't happen.
30 août 2014
Yes. Agreed. Leave "wanna" and use "want to". Affectations are not a social benefit. I cannot really add anything. Possible can be extremely unlikely. Probable means that some action is almost certain to happen. It is possible that I will not use the Internet again today. But it is probable that I will use the Internet again today.
30 août 2014
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