Wu Ting
How would you interpret ‘cold cut’ in the context? At the Asheville Skating Club next door to the bookstore, 21 comely lasses partook of our survey on the subject, with fifteen saying they are “Hep to Shepherd,” but definitely. Six maintained otherwise, “Spooky” and “cold cut” among the reasons given. Nine young ladies say they hold it against him for not serving in the armed forces due to a 4-F status, but the others say it was not his fault due to a perforated eardrum, the condition shared with crooner Frank Sinatra. All wondered how a well-heeled single fellow spends his time, as the author has sold nearly one million copies. As the old Asheville saying goes, Our moonshine is the meanest, our Stories are the keenest, our Sportmen are the gamest and—so it seems—our Bachelors are the Tamest! How would you interpret ‘cold cut’ in the sentence: …“Spooky” and “cold cut” among the reasons given? Thanks! PS: Shepherd is a novelist.
18 févr. 2015 06:18
Réponses · 5
Six of the girls aren't impressed with him. A "cold cut" is '40s slang for an uninteresting person. http://www.dancestore.com/glossary-lindy-lingo.aspx
18 février 2015
This won't help you but this whole paragraph is incomprehensible to me. We are in the realms of sub-cultural jargon. This is C2 level material in which a reader unfamiliar with the sub-culture (such as me) would first need an introduction to it.
18 février 2015
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