another qeustion? What is difference between credit cart and gift cart? I,m very confuse I could, nt pay
1 mars 2015 14:05
Réponses · 3
A credit card is a card issued by a bank, and it allows you to make purchases or pay for services on credit (you don't need to have that amount of money in your bank account before you pay for something. You can make the payment later on when the bank issues you an official bill). A gift card is something anyone can give to you. This can be a physical card or a virtual card with an assigned value to it. You can use this card to make purchases or pay for services in shops or online. The cost of the goods/services you purchased will be deducted from the existing value of the gift card. If the cost of the goods/services you purchased does not exceed the amount on the gift card, you do not have to pay anything extra. If however, the cost of the goods/services you purchased exceeds the amount on the gift card, you have to pay for the difference in value (e.g. You use a gift card with a value of $10 to purchase something worth $15, you have to pay the remaining $5). As the name suggests, gift cards are usually gifts given to you by other people. You can also purchase gift cards for other people.
1 mars 2015
A credit card is issued by a company that is lending you the money, and you pay them back. A gift card is purchased by another person for you, and the money has already been paid. When you use a gift card, you are using the money that has already been paid, and you don't pay anyone back. Usually, a credit card can be used in many places, while a gift card is specific to one store or company. However, some credit card companies now also sell gift cards (for example, Visa gift cards). These can be used to purchase things online or in person just like a credit card - the difference is, the money has already been paid when the card was purchased, so you don't have to pay anyone back later.
1 mars 2015
Hi I am Nafise. I am from Canada. I need to practise language. I can help you with English.My skype id is anoee12
19 octobre 2015
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