How to learn irregular verbs?
6 mars 2015 08:11
Réponses · 10
Хороший совет дала здесь Su.Ki. Лучший способ запомнить и научиться правильно употреблять слова - практика. Больше слушай, больше читай, часто ведь по контексту можно догадаться о значении глагола, если знаешь его начальную форму. Услышал, понял, повторил, как-то так. На пятый-десятый раз запомнится. Но запомнится уже фраза целиком, легче потом подобные фразы составлять, когда сам хочешь сказать. А зубрить вот эти все 'break-broke-broken' из таблиц - толку мало. Помнить будешь, но пользоваться не научишься. Таблицы, карточки или списки хороши для того, чтобы подглядывать в них, когда сам хочешь сказать и не помнишь нужное слово. Удачи :)
6 mars 2015
Making flash cards of all the conjugations is a great way to memorise them. http://ankisrs.net/ is a great resource.
6 mars 2015
Write them on a list, putting the similar ones in one group, and place the list to a place where you often see it. It's better than just learning it like a history lesson. What is even better is to listen to English- language videos, watch films - after listening to natural English on a regular basis, you will instinctively know which word/phrase sounds correct and natural.
6 mars 2015
Learn them in context, in short, natural-sounding phrases. Native speakers don't learn lists. We simply know what sounds right because we've heard it a million times. You should try to do the same. Listen to as much natural English as possible. When you hear a phrase such as 'He broke his leg' in a film, say it to yourself, repeat it, and try to remember the sound of that sequence of four syllables in association with the image and concept of a boy who fell and was injured. That's the way we learn our native language, by associating sound with meaning, context and experience. Native speakers don't sit down and recite 'break-broke-broken.' Those are just meaningless words out of context. Of course, you will need these lists to refer to, especially if you are writing, but don't think that memorising lists of words is all you need to do. You have to expose yourself to whole phrases and context to really learn a language.
6 mars 2015
Try to find similarities in irregular forms and arrange them in groups like Buy - bought, teach-taught, think-thought Speak-spoke, break-broke, wake - woke, etc
6 mars 2015
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