Anne Matson
Recommend Chinese learning smartphone apps? I like using my iPhone and iPad to learn new things and watch videos. So I've been looking for good tools to teach myself Mandarin Chinese. I've been using ChineseSkill, and it's been the best I've used so far. Plus it's free. I use Pleco Dictionary whenever I come across a new word. Skritter is really good for practicing writing strokes. What other apps do you guys use to learn Mandarin?
27 mars 2015 06:54
Réponses · 5
i use baidu shurufa 百度输入法and xunfeishurafa 讯飞输入法 to practice speaking chinese. these are text to speech (语音识别) software (软件)for cell phone and computers and that has a voice recognition component.
27 mars 2015
chinesepod is the best chinese app, hands down.
27 mars 2015
I would recommend some Chinese learning app for kids, such as 2Kids Chinese.
27 mars 2015
I think there'r a lot of things that tool can not explain , especially for complicated Chinese. It's better to ask Chinese people rather than tool. you can text me, or add my qq:398384210. I am very glad to help only if I know :)
27 mars 2015
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