I wonder what this means. And the strangest of all was "the last page torn from The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole." Not just the last page in the book, the last page with actual text from the story. I went to the school library and the local library and when I asked for a copy of The Castle of Otranto, I got the stink eye. I don't suppose they took kindly to kids tearing pages from books. I finally found a copy in a used books store. The night after I was tagged, I went home and asked my cousin Mary about her experience doing Hollyhouse. "It was really dark," she said. "So bring a good flashlight. Hell, I'd grab that headlamp your brother had. That way you have both your arms." --- I don't know the part "That way you have both your arms." What does that mean? Please help me! Thanks!
24 mai 2015 12:17
Réponses · 2
A headlamp is a flashlight worn on the head, leaving both arms free (as compared to using one of your arms to hold a flashlight).
24 mai 2015
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