about vs over I want to know the basic difference between the word over and about. Can someone help me on it?. 1) He is talking about the issue of water scarcity. 2) He is talking over the issue of water scarcity. what are the difference between the two sentences?
27 mai 2015 11:59
Réponses · 5
These are phrasal verbs so will help you understand one distinction between "about" and "over" (as already well explained by other tutors). You would need to study the use of prepositions and other sentences. A good start is to look up the different meanings of "about" and "over" in a learner's dictionary.
27 mai 2015
He is talking about the issue of water scarcity. we are talking over the issue of water scarcity
27 mai 2015
I think, talk over is more serious.
27 mai 2015
To 'talk over' something means to discuss it : 'We talked it over' It usually means a discussion between two or a few people about something of concern. The sentence you have written does not sound natural. The first one is better : 'He is talking about the issue of water scarcity.' This could refer to someone giving a presentation.
27 mai 2015
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