What is NIP? At a exhibition a polish left me their information, as follows, “PPHU ZAKŁAD MURARSKO-KAMIENIARSKI DĘBIŃSKI SŁAWOMIR,NIP 577-141-78-06”but I do not know Polish, could somebody tell me what NIP is, and how to find their company's website or Email?
3 août 2015 03:47
Réponses · 3
As Mrs. Joanna wrote is Tax Identification Number. In the past, every person had to use it, nowadays only firms and institutions has to have it.
7 août 2015
You can find them easily in the google browser. It seems they don't have a website. The link to information and address: http://pphu-zaklad-murarsko-kamieniarski-debinski-slawomir.opiniafirmy.pl/ NIP it is Tax Identification Number Pozdrowienia Joanna
3 août 2015
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