Guilherme Wallace
The discovery of the halftone The discovery of the halftone process in photography in 1881 made it___________photographs in books and newspapers. (A) the possible reproduction (B) possible to reproduce (C) the possibility of reproducing (D) possibly reproduce Which one is correct and why? I think it is B or C.
16 août 2015 18:33
Réponses · 4
Quite simply, it is a test of whether you know the pretty standard expression "to make it possible to + verb".
16 août 2015
B is correct.The noun "photographs" requires an infinitive (TO reproduce) to describe an action happening to it. The "it" in "made it" makes C incorrect, as the "it" would refer to nothing. With the "it" there, the sentence suggests that something ("it") is being made into a possibility.
16 août 2015
only b is correct.
16 août 2015
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