which is the best way to learn english well you known ,i am living in china,though i am a college student, i donot have much chance to improve my english,both my oral english and others,because i am not major in english,i don not have anyone to talk to me in english,and what i can do is memory words,but it is so hard for me,maybe i recite it today ,i may forget it tomorrow,i don not know what i can do to improve my english in the current circimstance.what can i do?
15 sept. 2008 10:03
Réponses · 2
Hi there. You can improve your oral and written English using Italki right here. I recommend that you type in your preferences when you click onto Find a language partner at the top, or click onto Learning English in the Language Index on the top & a list of English native speakers will appear. Then you can email /send a message to someone & arrange a time to talk.Complete all the exercises that you find when you go up to Knowledge, Files and Resources for learning the English language.
16 septembre 2008
hello rabbit. pretty username because i like rabbits. the only thing you can do is practice with freinds. you are right when you say if you don't practice it you will sure forget the words. me too i want to improve my english ad learn chinese but as i see no body can help. because it's a hard language. anyway i can talk to you in english if you want. let's be freinds. xie xie
15 septembre 2008
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