Relative pronouns in Arabic استعمال الأسماء الموصولة The usage of relative pronouns in Arabic is clear to me for the most part, however I can't seem to find the translation for the following sentences When the pronoun is replacing a subject: ex: You are the one who brightens my day - أنتِ التي تنيرينَ يومي When the pronoun is replacing an object: ex: It's you whom I love - أنتِ هِيَ من أُحب If someone could correct the above examples as well as clarify the rule as to how relative pronouns function in Arabic, it would be much appreciated!
10 févr. 2016 13:42
Réponses · 5
Yes both of your sentences are correct.. I think you're understanding how to make it in both situations (subject & object )
10 février 2016
Both sentences are correct, because you are the best arabic teacher. Choukrane for the time you dedicate to me !
11 février 2016
And you the best student :)
11 février 2016
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