What does 들었다 나았다 들었다 나았다해 mean?
14 févr. 2016 13:55
Réponses · 3
"들었다(가) 놨다(가) 하다" - have a complete, unimpeded control over something or someone. - 들다: lift, 놓다: put down, release; 들었다(가) 놓다: pick up, then put down at will. - 들었다 놓았다 -> 들었다 놨다. - ~다(가) ~다(가): alternate between two actions. 울다(가) 웃다(가) 했다: cried and laughed in turn. 이랬다 저랬다 한다: changes one's mind frequently. Another very similar expression is 쥐락펴락하다. - 쥐다: clasp one's hand; 펴다: unclasp; 쥐락펴락하다: control something like one's own fist. - ~락 ~락 하다 is similar to ~다가 ~다가 하다. 들락날락하다: keep coming in and out (both literally and figuratively). 붉으락푸르락하다: turn red and blue in turn (from anger).
14 février 2016
들었다 놨다 들었다 놨다. To make someone feel good and then feel bad. That's the way to control someone. :)
14 février 2016
들었다 is past form of verb "들다." And 나았다 is past form of verb "낫다." I don't know where you heard/saw this phrase. But i think the exact phrase would be "들었다 놨다, 들었다 놨다해", which means "picking up and putting down". The phrase often used when someone has a great effect on other's mind.
14 février 2016
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