Is that polite ? I want to say ' accept it as a gift from me " to a stranger so, is gift is polite word or present better or what to say ?
13 déc. 2016 19:00
Réponses · 8
Yes, it's perfectly polite. And seeing this person is a stranger, 'gift' is a more appropriate word than 'present'. We tend to use the word 'present' for a more personal offering, usually between friends and family, on a particular occasion such as a birthday. A 'gift' is less personal. For example, a business can offer gifts to clients, or a magazine might give gifts to its readers, or a rich person might offer a work of art as a gift to an organisation.
13 décembre 2016
Both words are correct but in your situation I would use the word "gift". You are giving it to a stranger as a token of your gratitude and respect. The word "gift" is more appropriate.
13 décembre 2016
you should say ,, could you accept this gift from me :)
13 décembre 2016
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