How can I start my email My cousin is interested in working in my company, so I need to write to the HR manager to recommend her. I do not know much about the manager, so my letter should be formal. In the first sentence, I need to express my intention. can I start my letter by saying : 1. I am writing to recommend my cousin to take up a position in our company. 2. I am writing to inform/tell you that my cousin would also like to work at our company. 3. I am writing to express my intention to recommend my cousin to work in our company. 4. My cousin wishes to work as translator in our company, and I am recommending her to you. 5. I know you are recruiting translators, and I would like to recommend my cousin. which sentence do you think is the best? Or can you give me a more suitable version?
14 janv. 2017 10:27
Réponses · 4
5 is not good I think. To say 'I know you are recruiting' doesn't sound right. 1 could be okay, but I would make it as formal as possible. 'Regarding our company's intention to recruit translators, I would like to recommend my cousin for consideration.' Also maybe you can introduce yourself briefly after greeting (Dear mr/Mrs.....Hello Mr/Mrs..Good afternoon/Good evening/Good morning Mr/Mrs...) before you write the main part of the email. Good luck
14 janvier 2017
Either 1 or 5 or a combination of the two. The others don't sound quite right, either too abrupt or the word choice just doesn't sound natural.
14 janvier 2017
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