Leontodon Saxatilis
How to say "shine forever" in korean?
31 oct. 2017 13:10
Réponses · 1
* Shine forever! (imperative sentence) => 영원히 빛나라 / 영원토록 빛나라 / 영원히 빛나세요 (polite form). * to shine forever (infinitive form) => 영원히 빛나다. There are these synonyms related to 빛나다. * 빛나다(vi) = to shine (glow or sparkle creating a distinctive light source) or to illuminate. * 비추다(vt) = to illuminate (radiate light on something). * 비치다(vi) = to show (a light or shape become visible) or to illuminate (passive verb of 비추다).
31 octobre 2017
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