What is the best way to translate this expression? "Estou farta dela até aos cabelos."?
18 oct. 2018 21:44
Réponses · 5
I've had it up to here with her. I'm sick to the back teeth of her. I'm sick to death of her. Literally: I am fed up with her up to my hair/ I am full of her up to my hair
18 octobre 2018
I've had it up to here with her" Would be the equivalent in American English. I think that I understand the Portuguese phrase but I'm not 100% sure.
19 octobre 2018
I think this is an essentially Brazilian hyperbolic language... does'nt mean the same thing in english... can't be translated... if it were translated it would literally "I'm sick of her with all my might" this is what I think... good luck ;) obs: sorry for my poor english ;P
18 octobre 2018
19 octobre 2018
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