Passive voice sentence How to change this sentence starting with I? My American friend is meeting me at the airport in New York. Can it be - I am met by my my American friend
25 oct. 2018 16:52
Réponses · 4
It depends on how you wish to use the sentence. Simple Present: I am met at the airport by my American friend. Example: "I am met at the airport by my American friend. We then head over to the baggage claim area to find my luggage, and that's when we see a man who looks exactly like Leonardo DiCaprio!" Future Progressive: I am being met at the airport by my American friend. Example: "I am being met at the airport by my American friend. Afterward, we will go grab some lunch together."
25 octobre 2018
To answer your question, the sentence starting with "I" would be, "I am being met by my American friend at the airport." - Will you be on your own after going through customs? - No, I am being met by my American friend. But native English speakers are repeatedly instructed to avoid the passive whenever possible. The active voice typically sounds better and more natural. - No, my American friend is meeting me after customs.
26 octobre 2018
I am being met by my friend.
25 octobre 2018
im being met by my american friends
25 octobre 2018
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