English Grammar Hey friends, can I omit the word "for" in these sentences? A.I have seen you for a few times today. B.I have seen you a few times today. A. I saw you in an elevator a few times today. B. I saw you in an elevator for a few times today.
1 oct. 2019 11:56
Réponses · 6
Yes Kai you can do it. The sentences are correct without "for". I would suggest you not using "for" at all in these type of sentences. "For" introduces a duration - time passing. "A few times" is not duration, it is a few instances. I hope this helps!
1 octobre 2019
Not only can you omit “for” in those sentences, it doesn’t work at all with the “for”.
1 octobre 2019
1 octobre 2019
1 octobre 2019
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