Is it correct? Impacts on... I kinda feel its wrong but I'm not sure which way is better to say it . The major impacts of traffic jams on citizens are considered to be mostly on the health and behaviors of people.
9 oct. 2019 20:59
Réponses · 3
You need the singular impact in this sentence.
10 octobre 2019
Hello Narges! I suggest using the singular impact instead of the plural to make it sound like there is only one major impact but multiple areas are affected. "The major impact of traffic jams..." In addition, I suggest saying it using the passive form: "The health and behavior of the citizens are considered to be heavily impacted by the traffic jams." Or; "The health and behavior of the citizens were considered to have been heavily impacted by the traffic jams." -- If it happened in the past and is no longer happening. "Behavior" is usually an uncountable noun. In this case it's better to use singular. I hope this helps. Cheers!
9 octobre 2019
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