Jim Jones
Kuroko's Basketball Season 01 Episode 01 Questions I’ve watched the first episode and translated almost every sentence. I watched the translated episode afterwards to check myself. I’d appreciate a word-by-word translation of the following sentences. 1. 結局出さねーのかよ 声 After all...? 2. 部員になってブインブイン言わせよう What is ブインブイン lol? 3. 目の前に野生の虎でもいるみたいなド迫力 What is this part ド迫力? 4. そういうのいいよ 名前書いたら帰る He says: “… and return home” Why? 5. どーせ日本のバスケなんて どこも一緒だろう “どーせ”? 6. てか ありなのか The second phrase? 7. バスケやるならもうちょいほしいな Word-by-word: “if basketball play, too little want”? Makes no sense. 8. キミは体硬い フロ上がりに柔軟して The second phrase? 9. どゆこと ? 10. 肉体とデータを見続けてるうちについた特技 ? 11. まぁ 監督たる所以はそんだけじゃないけどな Translation:”It’s not the only thing she can do”? 12. 監督 何ボーっとしてんだよ The second phrase? 13. ん てゆーか カゲ薄っすっ ? 14. 試合には出てましたけど Translation: “I’ve already proved myself”? 15. オレは 中二までアメリカにいた If translation is “I lived in America UNTIL the second year of middle school” then where is the ‘until’ part? Maybe he says that he was in America during the second year? 16. もっと全力で血が沸騰するような勝負がしてーんだ ? 17. 同学年に『キセキの世代』って強ぇ奴らがいるらしいな ? 18. 弱けりゃ弱いなりの匂いはするはずなのに ? 19. 確かめさせてくれよ ? 20. お前が『キセキの世代』ってのがどんだけのもんか ? 21. 死ぬほど弱え. 体格に恵まれてなくても. 得意技極めて一流になった選手は何人もいる. けどこいつは. ドリブルもシュートも素人に毛が生えたようなもん. This whole Kagami monologue. 22. すげぇいい感じに挑んできやがって ? 23. 火神君の方が強いに決まってるじゃないですか The じゃない after a verb? 24. 喧嘩売ってんのかオイ どういうつもりだ ? 25. それから見解の相違です Translation: “Because of it we have different opinions”? 26. くそっ 神経逆なでされてしょうがねぇ Translation: “Darn it. Because of them I’m nervous?”. 27. 雑魚のくせに口だけ達者つーのが  Is this a saying? 28. そろそろ大人しくしてもらおうか ? 29. てゆうか勝てるわけなかったし ? 30. てーめぇー ? 31. あいつ試合出てたか Translation: “Is he about to quit?”. If so why would he think that? 32. てか もらっても何ができんだよ ? 33. 気がつくとパスが通って決まってる ? 34. それによって自分以外に相手の意識を誘導する ? 35. もっと正確に表現すると  ? 36. ちゃんと決めろ タコ What’s up with the ‘tako’ here? 37. もともと通いつけのお店なんですよ Translation: “I come here since I can walk?”. And a bonus question: a katakana word is an adverb and a noun and an adjective at the same time? Like here for example: さっきの奴はアメリカ帰りだし it's an adverb.
8 nov. 2019 14:48
Réponses · 31
5."Anyhow, I can find basketball teams at the same level anywhere in Japan." 6."Is that possible!?" 7. "If you want to do basketball play, you should get taller." 8. "You should do exercise to make your body flexible as after bathing." 9. "What's the meaning of this?" 10."Her father is a sports trainer/instructor. Her father analyzes athletes' data and makes training programs. She can analysis athletes with her special skill which she got as she have watched the data & athletes' body every day in his office." 11. "It(=her special skill) can't be reason enough that she manages the team." 12. "Why are you absent minded, head coach(リコ)?" 13. "He's hardly noticeable, isn't he?" 16. There's a saying "血湧き肉躍る" in Japanese. 【慣用句辞典】 https://imidas.jp/idiom/detail/X-05-X-17-A-0005.html "I want to play a match with which I can be burning with more passion and my full strength." 19. "Please let me confirm about that." 22. "すげぇいい感じ"→すごくよい感じ "He has challenged me with a very good (?)atmosphere." 23. "決まってるじゃないですか"→決まっているではありませんか "It's obvious that 火神君 is stronger than me." 24. "Do you pick me a fight with us? What's the meaning of this?" 26. “Darn it. He rubs me the wrong way. ” "しょうがねぇ"→仕様がない→仕方がない 27."I don't like what he said though he is just a pip-squeak." 28. "It's about time that I make you a good boy." or "Behave yourself right now." 29."((Instead of that)There was no way we could win.)" 30. "(YOU made me mad.)" 31."I didn't notice that 黒子 participates in this game at all." 32."What can he do if 黒子 gets a pass?" 33."The pass had been done, and they have made a score when I noticed it." 34."黒子 did visual guidance to make enemy's eyes on others with his hardly noticeable atmosphere and his eagle-eye." 35. "To express it exactly…" or "I'll try to describe it exactly." 36. "Score a shot properly! Tako." 37. "It's naturally my favorite fast -food restaurant." 【1話&ED】 https://ameblo.jp/ft-yuu/entry-11303921511.html 【character ability&profile】 https://cripend.info/quarter1/
9 novembre 2019
I have never read/watched "黒子のバスケ". This translation can be done by genuine "黒子のバスケ"'s readers/watchers. ​───────​─────── According to the last your question, I think you should concern about how long answer articles will be generated by your question. Probably you hope to get just a short translation. I think you should better buy translated products via amazon. ​───────​─────── 【Kuroko's Basketball 2-in-1 Edition, Vol. 1: Includes vols. 1 & 2: Volume 1 ... 】 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1421587718/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_awdb_t1_x_W0DXDbWQZ60ZK (@AmazonUK) ​───────​─────── 2.There's a saying "ブイブイ言わせる" in Japanese. 【ブイブイ言わす】https://www.fleapedia.com/%E4%BA%94%E5%8D%81%E9%9F%B3%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/%E3%81%B5/%E3%83%96%E3%82%A4%E3%83%96%E3%82%A4%E8%A8%80%E3%82%8F%E3%81%99%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AF-%E6%84%8F%E5%91%B3/ 5. “どーせ”means "どうせ". 6. "てか" means "というより". I think that "This amount of your question will be said 「ありなのか」" 7. バスケやるならもうちょい(Probably身長が)ほしいな 8. "柔軟" means "柔軟体操" . 【【バスケ】お風呂あがりのストレッチは柔軟性・疲労回復に効果絶大!】 https://kotukotu366.com/stretch/ 9. どゆこと →"どういうこと"→means「あなたは、どういう意味でそれを言ってるんですか」 15.【黒子のバスケの火神大我について。】 https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13111479078 10. As you know, to win the game, "データ分析" and "(人間(肉体)観察)" are essential to a sports player. (※This is not a translation but a trivia.) 12. Probably you can google "ボーっと", "ド迫力","雑魚","口だけ","達者", and "てめえ(てーめぇー)". 【ド迫力】 https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%81%A9%E 13. "てゆーか"and"てゆうか" means "というより".  "カゲ薄っすっ" means"影が薄い". 36.【悪口で言う「タコ」とはどうゆう意味ですか?】 https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1423712474 37. "通いつけ" means "行きつけ". 【「行きつけ」と「かかりつけ」の違い!意味はどう違うの?歯医者の場合はどっち?】 https://xn--n8j9do164a.net/archives/5350.html#i ​───────​─────── And a bonus question: 〇There are similar type of the words that it sounds like "アメリカ帰り". Some rules will be found via the following examples by you. アメリカ行き 東京行き 行き帰り 若返り 赤ちゃん返り(幼児退行) 生き返り 蘇り 黄泉送り(DRAGONQUEST) 宙返り 裏返し 仕返し 朝帰り 夜討ち朝駆け
8 novembre 2019
Hello! Jimさん。😄 Did you translate almost all of the sentences of the episode? Amazing!😲You did it! I'll help you anytime! Ayumiさん。たくさんのご回答、本当にありがとうございます。 1. Koganei asked Mitobe to say something for recruiting new members aloud. Mitobe just smiled as his approval for Mitobe's order, but he didn't say anything. Koganei could understand Mitobe's approval, but since Mitobe didn't say anything, Koganei said "結局出さねーのかよ 声" because he knows Mitobe is non-talking person.               S O V "結局出さねーのかよ 声" ≒ (Mitobeは)声出さないの?結局       S  V  O Don't(Didn't) you say anything after all? 結局 after all 出さねー is 出さない’s male language のか ≒ のですか (Adding か make sentences be interrogative.) よ Adding よ's intension is getting attention. Since your questions a lot, I can't answer at once, when I have time, I'll add the other questions' answers eventually.
9 novembre 2019
17.同学年に『キセキの世代』って強ぇ奴らがいるらしいな 同学年(dou gakunen) ≒ be in the same year at a school (When Kuroko was a middle school student,) the players (of their team) are called 'キセキの世代'. キセキ ≒ 奇跡(kiseki) ≒ miracle って ≒ という ≒ be called 強ぇ ≒ 強い 奴ら(yatsura) ≒ they らしいな ≒ らしい ≒ seem/I heard(the rumor)/they say 18.弱けりゃ弱いなりの匂いはするはずなのに The weak = Kuroko けりゃ ≒ ければ Here is ば(Conditional)'s grammar. https://jlptsensei.com/learn-japanese-grammar/%E3%81%B0-ba/ なり ≒ commeasurable/deservedly/should be の匂いはする ≒ can be noticed はずなのに ≒ Even though it should/must be. Here is はず's grammar. https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn-japanese-grammar-46/ Here is なのに's grammar. http://www.jgram.org/pages/viewOne.php?tagE=nanoni         ↓ I wonder why I can't detect Kuroko's strength? A weak smells weak, if Kuroko is the weak, I should be able to detect it. 20. (確かめさせてくれよ)お前が、キセキの世代ってのがどんだけのもんか ≒ Show me how good you and your Generation of Miracles really are! お前 = Kuroko キセキの世代 = Generation of Miracles ってのが ≒ というのが どんだけ ≒ どれだけ もんか ≒ ものか
10 novembre 2019
2. 部員(buin) = the basket club's members They are recruiting new members(new 部員), so ブインブイン(buinbuin) is a pun using homonyms of ブイブイ(buibui). 3. ド is an adverb in this case. ド = really/amazing/very/surprisingly/awesome, or etc. 迫力 is a noun, but it means "have a tremendous impact" in this case. Kagami is tall and looks powerful, then Riko felt that he has a tremendous impact like a tiger. 4. In my opinion, Riko was explaining about the basket team and her opinion on Kagami, but Kagami underestimated Japanese's basketball skill, he also underestimated Riko's skill, then he thought her opinion wasn't unworthy of hearing, then he said "そういうのいいよ 名前書いたら帰る". そういうの ≒ that/that kind of thing/like that, or etc.   (Riko's explanation in this case.) いいよ ≒ refuse/no, or etc.  (I refuse to hear) たら ≒ if/then/after, or etc.              ↓ I gonna return home after I fill out the club sign-up form.
9 novembre 2019
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