What do you know about Spain? I going to there soon. What can you recommend for me?
16 avr. 2011 18:22
Réponses · 3
I agree with the locations Joao recommended you ,but add to those Valencia if you had the time ,it is beautiful !
17 avril 2011
I spent three months there, about for years ago. I loved. I have been in Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo and many interesting villages (pueblos)around. I made many spanish friends and also enjoyed the tapas, paellas. The spanish food is delicious. I really think about going there again. I think you are not going to be disappointed. Have a good trip and enjoy yourself Elena.
17 avril 2011
I have never been to Spain, but people have told me that you can travel there quite cheaply as a tourist. Spain's official tourism website: Advice, info, tips and more www.spain.info
17 avril 2011
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