Professeur en Japonais Hitomi.U


Tuteur communautaire
Learning Japanese should not be that overwhelming, Let's start it step by step with me!
De JaponLieu de résidence : Other, Japon (10:35 UTC+09:00)
À propos de moi
Professeur italki depuis le 16 Jul 2021
Sujets d'intérêtSantéAnimauxVoyagesJeuxTechnologie
私は、東京の隣の神奈川県に住んでいます。 動物と自然が大好きです。 性格は、落ち着いていて、辛抱強く、好奇心旺盛、そして寛容です。 大学を卒業していますが、専攻は、教育ではありません。 また、日本人の中学生に数学や国語などを教える仕事を2年程度していました。 世界中に友人がいて、毎日英語でやりとりをしています。 英語でのやりとりには馴れています。 話すことは最近練習を始めました。  I live in Kanagawa which is next to Tokyo. I love animals and nature. My personality can be described as patient, calm, curious, and open minded. I have a bachelor's degree. (not in Japanese teacing) I have 3 + years teacing experiences. I've been helping many learners. some of them are from zero level and can speak, read, write, listen now. some of them passed JLPT N1 with me.

Leçons (Japonais)

Leçon d'essai
21 leçons terminées
USD 15.00+
#1 *notice* this is a speaking lesson for learners that have learned the basic. your current level needs to be at least A2. otherwise please chose my basic lessons.
B1 -  C2

Pratique de la conversation

287 leçons terminées
USD 16.00+
#2 from zero to advanced learners. 5 crucial Japanese skills. grammar, listening. writing, reading, speaking. for JLPT and other exams tests etc.
A1 -  C2


78 leçons terminées
USD 20.00+


Selon ton fuseau horaire (UTC+00:00)
Mes créations
Quiz (1)

31 avis

Élève Sean
70 leçons en Japonais
Choix du professeur
Another very good lesson with ひとみさん. We have been doing varied work on Listening, Speaking and Reading. She has also been helping with particles which have been a challenge at times for me. Highly recommend if your looking for a good teacher.
3 mars 2024
Élève Krystian Dunst
Krystian Dunst
50 leçons en Japonais
Choix du professeur
I am satisfied with my lessons with Hitomi-sensei, after each lesson I feel I have learned something new. Also I feel more confident speaking Japanese. I also really like her sense of humour which makes the lessons more interesting and helps me remember examples of grammar usage.
21 avr. 2022
Élève freedom jiang
freedom jiang
121 leçons en Japonais
Choix du professeur
美しくて、素敵なひとみ先生に感謝します。日本語と日本の文化について、たくさんの有益な知識を教えてくれてありがとうございます。先生のおかけて、私は日本語の聞き取りと話すことにおいて、大きな進歩を遂げました。そして、日本語レベルが上がるので、私は最近東京で素晴らしい仕事を見つけました。先生は本当に素晴らしい仕事をしました、どうもありがとうございました。 Thanks to my beautiful and lovely Miss Hitomi. Thanks for teaching me a lot of useful knowledge about Japanes language and culture. With your help, I made a great progress in listening and talking, and recently I find a great job in Tokyo. You really did a great job, and thank you very much. 感谢美丽又可爱的Hitomi老师。谢谢你教了我很多日语知识和日本文化,在你的帮助下,我的日语听力和口语有了很大进步,而且最近在东京找到了很好的工作。你做的非常棒,再次感谢你。
2 août 2021
Élève Sean
70 leçons en Japonais
Another good lesson with Hitomi. She has been helping me get a grasp of the listening side of the language which i struggle with as well as providing me with some materials I can practise with.
10 déc. 2023
Élève Sean
70 leçons en Japonais
Just had a trial with Hitomi and was very good. she was very patient considering my lack of knowledge. i look forward to my next lesson.
5 nov. 2023
Élève Joji Ramirez
Joji Ramirez
4 leçons en Japonais
Thank you for the lesson! :)
18 sept. 2023
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