Which sentence is correct? Here is a sentence " What's the matter?" If I want to put "I don't know" in front of the above sentence: A. I don't know what's the matter? B. I don't know what the matter is? Could you please tell me which sentence is correct ? one of Americans said A was correct which one of Brits said B was correct. Thank you so much for your help.
2024年5月24日 11:55
回答 · 17
Neither are 100% correct. A) I don't know, what's the matter? This makes sense (with the addition of a comma) but completely changes the meaning. B) I don't know what the matter is. This is only correct with the utilization of a period and not a question mark since it is not formulated as a question.
2024年5月24日 13:46
2024年5月24日 12:26
I've no idea what the matter is. I don't have any idea what the matter is. Hope it helps!
2024年5月24日 12:04
2024年5月25日 16:41
Interesting question. A What's the matter? B I don't know what the matter is. Just to mention that many British people will use the shorter version: I don't know. A You must know what the matter is! B I really don't! A Come on, tell me, what's the matter? B I still don't know; and it does not matter how many times you ask me.
2024年5月25日 15:23