Day 10...and for the 1st time I chose a topic from the moreфон's list😅 Today I'd like to talk about "TV series". Initially I wanted to tell you about my favorite TV-shows but then for some reason I've decided to say a few words about the series that I saw the last. And - surprise! - it's a Russian show (usually I avoid them). I am talking about 'The survival game'. I watched it a few weeks ago but I still can't forget the show and especially some moments 🙈 I think this show is one of the most controversial Russian TV-shows, some people like it, some don't. When you watch it you feel absolutely different feelings. In general you are interested in what you see and from to time you even empathize some characters. But at the same time at some scenes you are disgusted, sometimes you are dissapointed in characters, and at one moment (SPOILER ALERT!!) you even become outraged: "Zombies?? Really???". Also some deaths were really unpredictable (episode 5, if you saw the show you know what I'm talking about (the stupidest death in movies ever🤦‍♀️)) (THE END OF THE SPOILER). This series is the mix of reality shows like "The last hero", TV-show "Lost", movies "Saw" and a lot of other thrillers. By the way, If you are going to watch the uncensored version like I did be ready to the PLENTY of curse words and naked bodies🔞 And the 2nd episode is like the 1st episode of "Black mirror", after watching this you will be tough and ready for everything 🙈🙊
2020年12月10日 13:37