Hey guys, what’s the difference between THEREBY vs IN THIS WAY? Can I use both in the below example: Diets that are high in saturated fat clog up our arteries, THEREBY/IN THIS WAY reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
2021年1月26日 11:12
回答 · 2
Thereby means “as a result of”. It is the effect of a cause, in one sense. If one were to take medication we could say the medication acts on the x receptor, thereby reduces lipids in the blood stream. There is a subtle difference between these two. In this way relates back to a process or thought, for example. It can be used to restate a subject in a sentence more cleanly. “The student tried to use his family connections to circumvent academic suspension. The student cannot be allowed to sidestep punishment in this way.” Does that make sense?