Mark Black
Share your Japanese reading materials

Lets share your Japanese reading materials. Recently started learning and looking for things to read.


Currently using Ebooks which can be found on

2015年10月13日 16:22
コメント · 4

Thanks. Furigana is a lot of help as I'm often unsure of which reading to use. I only just finished learning 漢字の本1 so my Kanji is at a level of a first grader. Planning to finish books 2 and 3 before the end of november.


If you are somewhat experienced and know around 500-900 kanji, you shouldn't have to much trouble with:

It's a news website, the only downside is there furigana over all the kanji, as you might not want. There's plenty of things to read on many topics. A neat is feature is on more difficult kanji or jukugo, sometimes the word will be explained to you in Japanese. The site is aimed at readers grade 3-8ish.

You might find this interesting:

This is a collection of Japanese stories. I wouldn't reccomend it if you trying to learn kanji, as it's 95% kana and uses very few kanji. Your hand is held a lot through reading; english definitions of the bigger words are given to you and an english translation. I still learned a lot words from it. This is a very good beginner source, but intermedite readers will probably still learn words from it.


<a href="http:///user/1410327" target="_blank">Aficionado</a> Thats a nice website. It even has the audio of someone else reading which is great.


Currently using 漢字の本 to learn Kanji. Great little series of books; shame i haven't seen them anywhere outside of Japan (Picked them up when i was backpacking in Japan last golden week). Its nice because they have everything in Hiragana for you to read since they are childrens books. 


Might scan them and create a pdf if I have time.
