Japanese is a beautiful and fascinateing language but.....

Learning Japanese is more than Just something fascinateing for me.
I decided to learn Japanese as my third language after Arabic and English because I am very interested in every side of Japan's culture.

but my problems had begun since I strarted to foucs on writing and using japanese words to form a converstation

I can't memorize Japanese Kanji and that's why I didn't acheive any progress at Learning Japanese
Can someone Give tips or advice to improve my Japanese Language?


2015年10月14日 00:11
コメント · 2

Hi Mohamed! 


I know what you mean, memorizing kanji is one of the most difficult aspects of the Japanese language. One thing I wish I would have done earlier was memorize the radicals that make kanji. There are a bunch, but once you've memorized them you can construct all of the kanji. I've been using to learn the radicals as well as Kanji. 


Are you teaching yourself Japanese? 


I intend to Join the Japanese language Course at Japan Foundation later
but now I am so busy so I am learning Japanese through internet, youtube videos and some of Japanese friends are helping me.
