Do you know Single Day in China? This is a short introduction.

  Next wednesday is Chinese Single Day. We called it Single Day because 11 November is double 11, they are all odd number. And people who are single called Single Dog! Actually, some people are expecting Single Day. Because on that day all the Chinese online shopping malls will give big discounts to attract people to buy goods. A large number of people will buy things on lnternet. Especially girls would store shoes, clothes, and all the things they want online in advance, then they will pay for them as soon as Single Day come. There is a crazy thing. Some stores on Online shopping malls like Taobao will sell things in a really really low price on sharp 24 o'clock. And there will be a lot of people stay up and stear at screen of their phones or computers to count down. That's insane! Those who have girlfriends or boyfriends will go on a date with their lovers. They may do some romantic things and take pictures, then post them to wechat or qq. Their frieds who are single will give some funny remarks or complain! Single people will gather together to do lovely things too! Every year I will go out with my single friends to see a movie and have dinner. We also have a nice time! I just want to share some interesting and new things here. And you will get to know China! I may make a lot of error, if you don't understand what I wrote you can message me, I'd like to explain more clearly:) Thanks for reading.

2015年11月7日 14:57
コメント · 11

As if Valentine's Day wasn't enough, they invented a 'Singles Day' to rub it in even more. 
Singles of China, my condolences.


I do like Single Day, because I can buy a lot of things in a very low price:)


We do not have Single's Day in Australia, but here (and in a lot of Europe) the 11th od November is Remembrance Day. It marks the end of the First World War, and it is a day dedicated to remembering the lives lost in war, and to contemplate the value of peace.


It's really interesting. thanks for the precious infomation. 


@Rachael Alice: you cannot buy from taobao directly, but there are sites that forward stuff, the fees are substantial though. I sometimes buy things on Ebay from Chinese sellers, no special discounts but much easier.


@Debarun: Yeah it's like the third Valentine's day, there also 七夕節 and the Western valentine's day... I guess it's a romantic country!


Though I don't really celebrate Single's Day, I still think it's funny that I've started a relationship 30 minutes before Single's Day. Glad I didn't have to spend Single's Day single! It also makes it really easy to remember the anniversary date.
