Learning Article : A Complete List Of Exceptions In Pinyin

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The Chinese language is infamous for having words that sound the same to non native speakers, but that sound completely different to native speakers. Yes, I'm telling you that not only do their characters look hard, but they are also hard to pronounce properly. The reason I point this out is so because I want to help you. Check this out and improve your Chinese pronunciation.

2016年1月15日 00:00
コメント · 12

There are also another two very important exceptions that are not mentioned in this article.

1. Silent o

Applies for -o ending after b-, p-, m-, or f-.

Examples: bo, po, mo, fo are proununced like their initials, buo, puo, muo, fuo

2. Dipthong e

Ending -e is prounced as an dipthong e (amost soudns like -ue, but not quite) EXCEPT when de, ne, or le syllables have neutral tone

Dipthong e examples: 哥 ge1, 德 de2, 樂 le4, 訥 ne4, 可 ke3, 和 he2, 這 zhe4, 色 se4, 餓 e4

Regular e (monopthong) examples for de/ne/le neutral tone: 的/得/地 de, 呢 ne, and 了 le

Regular e (monopthong) examples in other words: 朋 peng2, 冷 leng3, 二 er4, 美 mei3, 學 xue2

nǐ hǎo, lǎoshī
Wǒ jiào Ribeiro
wǒ shì bāxī. wǒ xuéxí hànyǔ.
wǒ shì bāxīren. wŏ de mŭyŭ shì pútáoyá yǔ
wǒ shì lǎoshī

zài jiàn

skype.: rribeirosantos1

They could have made Pinyin even easier. Letters don't have fixed sounds at all, but syllables do, as the article demonstrates. Which is so much better than English!

Rather than focus on the language itself, of course, we have the right to evaluate the stand or fall of a language, but that's not the point.

For a change of things, want to use a word summarized its characteristics accurately, obviously is not according to, also is not reasonable.

I am a Chinese, I learn a language, is want to learn the language of bearing culture, then learn others' advantages, enrich oneself, let oneself progress.

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