Ezzat Yaseen
The young and the restless A drama TV series for those who want to improve their listining skills
2018年4月24日 22:57
コメント · 2
If I was a native English speaker I would never watch it,because it is endless and sometimes boring.But for English learners like me ,it is very useful,because it talks about relationships,feelings,life matters and some of other things.I am looking for something which makes me focus on The script rather than The show itself.

I gave you an up-vote on this one, although I have not seen any episodes in years and don´t consider daytime TV to generally be the best dramas.  Soap operas are good for language learners though because of the over-acting.  You do not have to understand every word-- they are simpler to understand than most genres.  They also are good about using the common language, common expressions, and a bit of common slang--- they tend to use the words that people really do say.  

The Young and The Restless is in its 45th season.  American soap operas only end when they start losing their audience.  You usually can miss a few days and still get the plot just fine. 
