How to say the meeting is finished in English in different way?I need more official expressions. For example, wrap up the meeting.

I am an interpreter of a company in China.Sometimes I need to host the meeting with foerigners.thanks

2018年4月26日 08:25
コメント · 4

In the US, people will sometimes say; Thank you all for coming or for your participation, and then you simply stand up. This signals that it's over.

Lawyers like to do this. It's a power play to let everyone know who's in charge. It's like a gorilla beating his chest.


You can say: "The meeting is now closed."

Hi Shenjja, I teach how to participate in and vote during a meeting, as well as how to communicate with colleagues. If you'd like to know more you can drop me a mail. Regards.


I suggest expressions that start:

It's time to...

Wrap up the meeting

(Prepare to finish the meeting, deal with the final points)

... Finish the meeting. Thank you all for coming.


Perhaps one of these:

The meeting has concluded.

The meeting has ended.
