Helping someone to prepare for job interviews

This is towards the English teachers who focus on Business English/Interview preparations.

I used to have this language partner from China and her English is fairly good but the pronunciation/accent needs some improvement. She texted me lately asking for help to improve her English for job interviews specifically. I have never interviewed anyone like a job interview. How do you help them? Do you conduct mock interviews with the typical interview questions and help them give them the best answers etc? How do you do it when you are not an expert in their field of job? Should I recommend to seek professional help rather cause I don't want her mess up because of me. I am clueless, please help.

2018年5月28日 07:04
中国語 (普通話), 英語, フランス語, ヒンディー語, イタリア語, ロシア語, スペイン語
中国語 (普通話), フランス語, ヒンディー語, イタリア語, ロシア語, スペイン語