English tutor
Which VS That ( As relative pronouns !)
"Which" is used to give more information about something.
His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. 

  "That" cannot be used instead of "which" in this meaning. ✓

"That" 👉 is used to introduce a clause  without giving more information .

• There are lots of things that I need to buy before the trip.✓

• the people that live next door .  ✓


2019年5月8日 00:14
English tutor
アラビア語, アラビア語 (エジプト), アラビア語 (マグレブ), 中国語 (その他), 英語, フランス語, 日本語, ポルトガル語, タイ
中国語 (その他), フランス語, ポルトガル語