What is one thing that the world believes to be true about your country, but the belief is actually incorrect?

What is one thing that the world believes to be true about your country, but the belief is actually incorrect? I love this site because I am able to speak with people from all over the world. 

I'm an American and one stereotype about Americans is that we all own guns. The truth is that a large segment of Americans do not own guns, and they think that guns should be illegal. 

2019年5月19日 13:34
コメント · 13
That it rains a lot and every everyday in the UK, it does not. The rainiest part is around Manchester because it is under a small mountain range, this is common to all such areas globally that are below mountains that break the clouds forming and flowing over them.

People seem to think that "American English"

--is very different from British English, and

--is the same all over the US.

Hi! I'm a Brazilian and one thing that I see in movies about Brazil is that here is Summer all the time, even though it is not the truth especially in the South that we have hard winter. 

@<a ui-sref="user({})" href="" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Irene Colthurst</a> 

With all due respect, I really don't think italki is the place to promote your political ideology. 

@Johannes I apologize. I only meant to speculate about cultural attitudes.