A Moroccan joke (withe the pronunciation and the meaning)


HeLlO again on this group, Well I would like to share this moroccan joke with you all


علي وبراهيم تشاركوا ف حانوت


واحد النهار، ناض علي علق على الحانوت پلاكة مكتوب عليها بالفرنسية


Alimentation générale


جاء براهيم قرا الپلاكة وكعا، وهو يبدلها ودار فيها


Brahimentation générale


علي -----Ali


ابراهيم -------- Brahim


the pronunciation of this one:




Ali wbrahim tsharku f hanuut


waahid nhaar; naad Ali 'aallaq 'alaa lhaanut blaaka maktuub 'alihaa bal faransiya


Alimentation générale


jaa Brahim qraa lblaaka wk'aa, huway baddalhaa wadaar fiha


Brahimentation générale




the meaning in English :




Ali and Brahim shared to each other a shop sale of foods


on a day, he commented on a sign on the shop sale and he was writing in french


Alimentation générale


and then when Brahim came back, he was seeing this sign on the sale of shopping and he was ungry seeing that, and then he decided to use another on and he was writing on it :


brahimentation générale



2012年3月29日 21:08
アラビア語, アラビア語 (マグレブ), アラビア語 (現代標準), 中国語 (普通話), 英語, フランス語, 日本語, スペイン語
中国語 (普通話), 日本語, スペイン語