Visiting Ljubljana - anz tips?

Jaz bom prišel Ljubljani v marcu. Res se veselim. <img title="Laughing" src="http://www.italki.com/Scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="Laughing" border="0" /> se bo srečal z nekaj prijatelji iz italki. yeah!

Any tips for sightseeing, music, clubs, bars etc would be verz welcome.

Sam <img title="Laughing" src="http://www.italki.com/Scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="Laughing" border="0" />

2013年1月21日 11:27
コメント · 5

And if anyone is interested in a tandem Meeting (english/german vs. Slovene) please let me know, and we can meet somewhere in Ljubljana for a coffee and a chat. :D


next time when you come we can have a coffee and a chat in slovenian :)


Upam, da je obisk Slovenije uspel in da si uspela srečati koga z italki. Kje v Sloveniji si pa bila?


Ups, sem naredila napako, bom imelav Ljubljani od osmega do dvanajstega Julija, (<em>not</em> June)



Prišla bom spet v Slovenijo! Yeah! Bom imelav Ljubljani od osmega do dvanajstega Junija, se veselim. If you would like to meet for coffee and a chat in english or german with slovensko, just let me know :D

Imela bom tudi v Kopru od prvega do osmega avgusta, če bi kdo želel, da se srečamo, pokliči me v Italki.

Lep pozdrav, Sam
