Rainie Fang
Please help me tofind out a song

There is a clip in the Internet and I want to download a song from it but I couldn't find out the name of it.

I just get some of its lyric: I wanna wake up next to you/ wake me in the morning/ send me to sleep/ give me something I can keep.

Here is a link of the clip     http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ4MjU5NDUy.html  


The song is quite soft. Please help me.

2014年4月20日 06:46
コメント · 1



I can't see the youku video but does this sound like the song you like?

Lotte Mullan- Wake up next to you


"I wanna wake up next to you
I wanna do what she does to you
Wake me in the morning send me to sleep
Give me something I can keep"
