About english accent. the Jamaican, australia, new zealand and canadian english accent to look more like the British or American english accent?
2014年5月22日 02:25
コメント · 7
I really think you should look at these accents separately instead of dropping them into a "Brit or US?" category. Please consider that some US accents and words also have origins in UK dialects.

Just as it happens in Spanish, as you have mentioned, there are many different accents within one country, in Chile there are very marked differences between the way people Speak in Arica and those who live in Punta Arenas, not only the accent, but also the words they use. In Santiago skiping school would be "hacer la simarra", but in Rancagua (90 km, south) it is called "hacer la chancha". In santiago people call a kind of bread "marraqueta", but in the south they call it "pan francés" and in some areas in the noth, they call it "pan batido". If you go to Argentina, the way they speak in one region changes drastically from one region to another. In the united states alone there are at least 34 distinctive accents, in Canada about 20 (no taking into account the English spoken in regions that are predominantly French speaking areas), In the UK, the same is true. So, when people say "Canadian accent" or "Australian accent" they really refer to "the most common kind of Canadian and Australian" accents, usually the one you can hear on TV or on the radio. 

The spanish is the same. The people say latin american or spanish accent, but each country has a different accent and believe me the accents and some words are very different. I need to listen 30 or less seconds a person and I know what country they from.( Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela... ) Probably, I have errors in my writing, becaouse my english is not very good. :\
I have to agree with Peachy. All of those accents are pretty different from UK and American accents. Though the Aussie and NZ accents are more similar to UK, and the Canadian is more similar to an American accent. The Jamaican accent is a beast of it's own.
thanks :)