Abdallah Adel
How do you forget your pains,failures and challenges you lose ?

I think it's very important to have your special own method to be self motivated as long as you can . life becomes hard more and more , difficult challenges in work or in school even in dealing with people 
I hope we can chat with each other in beneficial topics and also learning languages :D 

2014年7月17日 03:16
コメント · 6

I don't believe that we have to forget failiures, and challenges. I rather be more than happy to see as lessons which what they really are.

We grow from them and it teaches us to be stronger and wiser so why forget about them? :)




 I think that you are correct in referring to techniques that we can use to cope with disappointment,  pain, and difficulty.


  I often look at such matters this way.  People think about their problems in a certain  repetitive way.

Pschologists call it  "Rumination".  I can best describe it by  the image of little "boxes" or  even like little rooms or even "prison" cells.  I think other people have referred to this as playing "tape recordings" or

"playing old tapes".  It can be understood as something similar to our mind,  playing the same song over and over and over.


  Sometimes,  those messages, or the thinking of things  "in a certain kind of box," invite us to act or feel a certain way about ourself. The unfortunate fact is that many of these "boxes" contain   negative feedback. They invite us to hate ourselves, or shame ourselves.  


  Granted that many messages in "the world" are messages which  "shame" people anyway, this is even more destructive to our self and how we feel.


   The solution  to this kind of dilemma, is learning to Think----Out---of---The---Box.


  There is a cute saying on a poster that appears now and then in America.

It shows a little boy, who looks  a little sad, but defiant. He says;

  "I know God  loves me, 'cause God  Don't Make No Junk."


   Something for all of us to reflect upon.



Faillure is supposed to be the base of next so called success. In most situation, a next success often means another harsher challenge ahead. I woudl not take failure as failure, but rather, failure is a lesson which drives you to next accomplishment. 


As far as I am concerned, pain is nothing more than a physical or psychological reaction to frustration. From pain imposed on you, you may really learn quite a lot, therefore, why do you not regard "PAIN" as another lesson you have to go through? 



correction : life becomes harder and harder.


I think our suggestion or advice is nothimg more than possible manners to help you out of boxes. What you concerned could occurr to anyone as far as I know as no body is perfect. Therefore, I would advise you may have few good friends or family to talk to while you are at the low point to tide over. Our thinking cannot be 100 percent reasonable and logical in face of the reality. Once in a while, your mind could be retarded or impeded by your emotion, feeling or sentiment which is human nature. When it takes place, I suggest you not make any crucial decision on the spot. That might be the best policy to protect yourself and have the chance to revise it to do the right thing .


Mr Bruce I completley agree with you but I found myself many times need to be relaxed to  think out of the box so when there is some thing make me sad or disappoint me it's not easy to think out the box :( but I try not to decide any thing when I was nervous specially when the matter concern situation with someone 
