Rainie Fang
Group for Knowing English Slang

Im a student now and preparing for some examinations related to English totally. Although phrases and words can be searched in dictionaries, slang is hard to find out its meaning.

In view of this, I want to set up a Skype group about English slang for people who want to know English deeply.

Both English learners need English native speakers are needed. Please contact me if you are interested in it.

2014年8月2日 08:36
コメント · 4

I'd be happy to join. My Skype's jmat.anon.


Urban Dictionary can be useful if you're looking for slang. But be careful, anyone can edit it and there are a lot of nonsense entries.


May I join? ^^ Send me a private message when you are available to talk, I will give you my skype there.


This sounds interesting. Can I join? :)


I'm in
