Can anyone teach me Russian?

Hi, I work as a freign trade salesman. One of our long-term cooperation customers is from Russian, he is not really good at English. So I want to learn some spoken Russian. Someone can help me?

2014年8月8日 07:57
コメント · 3

I think as you are a very busy man , it will be difficult for you to learn the language which is so different from Chinese , don't you think about engage a translator? I don't think it's difficult to find a Chinese who knows Russian.


Dear, thank you for you response. Actually, I'm just an employee of our company. I don't think my boss would engage a translator for me. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion.


I entirely agree with what Irina just said. It takes much time to learn the basic rules of Russian grammar. You've got to approach this language more seriously. But of course, if you need to find out how to say something in Russian, you only have to ask.
