How can I read more quickly ?
2014年9月24日 03:23
コメント · 4

I think just reading a lot would be the best answer. I suggest reading all different kinds of writing (signs, fiction books, articles) in order to be familiar with different words. Knowing many words should increases speed.


Have you ever noticed the reason why you cannot read fluently as you expect? I guess there are several problems you might address:


1st: You do not have enough vocabulary to empower your reading

2nd: You do not have good logical organization ability while you are reading

3rd: You are not proficient in interpreting words to get the gist of a sentence


Any one problem above can result in your retardation in reading. You may click me if you like to practice reading altogether.

This is one of those 'd'uh' questions that I hate answering because I don't want to sound rude. I've thought a lot about how to read more quickly while learning other languages. There's no shortcut: you have to read, and read a alot. Think about your own language: How long did it take you to be able to read quickly? I learned to read English starting at 4 years old, but I'm still improving my speed and retention (which is far more important than speed unless your test is timed) even near 30 years old. It probably takes about 4-5 years of reading to reach 'native' speed. The more you read, the faster your brain can recognize patterns and 'predict' which words are likely coming next, making the process faster. Sorry, the short answer is: You just have to keep reading, and speed will come naturally.
Thank you