James 陳志慕
Mandarin Study Plans

I have been looking to learn Mandarin for the past couple years. I have not really jumped into the learning process until about a month ago. I am now looking to develop as much a possible over the next 12 months. Because I have extreme ADD and it is hard for me to wait for anything I have set my first goal in 3 month blocks. My personality type is really all in or nothing. I am planning a vacation trip (separate from my work trips) next year to mainland China with my partner to meet his parents. I want to speak, read and understand as much Mandarin as I possibly can.


Here is my first 3 month goal/program. I'm wondering what other people are doing or have done. I would appreciate any thoughts on my approach too.


italki Professional Lessons 60 mins 3-5 hours a week using New Practical Chinese Reader and Workbook.
Native speaker teaching many years on skype


YoYo Chinese following Beginner Program approximately 30 - 50 minutes a week
This program is great at explaining an simplifying a lot of what I cover in the Professional Lessons.


Pimsleur audio lessons 30 mins twice a day in the car to and from work.
Normally just the same lesson twice in one day. I find myself waking up in the mornings with the audio phrases running through my head. I guess this is a good thing.


Chinese Flash Cards Kit Volume 1: Characters 1-349
Reviewing the words I learn. Pulling new words in with every lesson. Will order volume 2 after then next 3 months.


Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters: A Revolutionary New Way to Learn and Remember the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters
I use this book more as a reference


My partner is a native Mandarin speaker and is completely fluent in both his native tongue and English. He is not a big fan of teaching me as he is busy wrapping up his PhD, but does help me some. I have a hand full of other native speaker friends here in LA. They are more open to helping me. LOL! In addition to all this I have started making a lot of connections here on italki.


My work is very supportive and I have recruited 3 additional people at my corporate office to also learn Mandarin. Once we get further along we intend on hosting at work study groups.


I watch TV shows and movies in Mandarin whenever I have time. Which is not very much with my work, graduate school, everyday life and language study. I still can not understand very much of the audio dialog. I do pick up basic phrases and words.


I do talk a lot... LOL!


I look forward to some responces.



2014年10月1日 23:20
コメント · 4



我个人认为听一些歌中文也是挺好的方式,我就是听歌学英语的 ;D





YoYo Chinese following Beginner Program approximately 30 - 50 minutes a week day
This program is great at explaining an simplifying a lot of what I cover in the Professional Lessons.
