Berneddi M.Ed. Engl.
All English learners, please vote. What English error do you make the most often? (Hope you can be specific.)

OK, time for all English learners to vote:


When you consider the English that you can produce, what do you think is the English error - a specific grammatical or other kind of error - that you make the most often?


It will be interesting to see what specific type of error gets the most votes. (OK, it's not really voting, just the recording of group data - but still interesting.)


2014年10月24日 09:12
コメント · 16

Past Simple vs Present Perfect!


"to do" vs "to make"





That's very interesting about language sounds in Arabic compared to those in English. Can you give some examples of common pronunciation/spelling/mistakes made by Arabic-speakers because of this?




If you are always thinking in Spanish and translating to English, then my comment about having to make the target language "second nature" is most appropriate: "... it is very necessary to absorb as much of the target language as you can through wide reading, and listening as much as you can. Language is "second nature" to all humans, so you should also try to make the target language you are learning "second nature" to you as well by this strategy."


Some people say once you can hear the target language when you are dreaming in your sleep, then you have achieved your goal! I don't think that is a necessary extreme for everyone to strive for.


forget to say out last sound and speak singular noun/verb like plural noun/verb is most popular in Viet Nam as I see


prepositions and word order in indirect questions. Somehow the verb *is* is always in the wrong place whenever I write an indirect question but all in all I am happy with my level right  now :P.
