Rachel Chen



2014年11月11日 18:44
コメント · 18

Moyadana, I feel sad that you have never experienced a good education system and a good language teacher.  I can tell you categorically from personal experience that a good system and a good teacher make a world of difference.  


你的心态和意见,是你所经历的一切的自然结果, 可以理解,但事实上好的语言老师是能做到启发和培养学生的自学能力的。学生光靠自学, 会走很多歪路, 甚而终生不能从歪路走出来。所以老师是必须的。当然, 差的老师是毒药。


The sad thing about time is that none of us can regain our childhood and adolescence.  So even if a kind person came along and said he was willing to put you through primary and secondary school again, you would not be able to do it with a child's ability and attitude.  


每个人有他的命运, 正如每个国家也有它的国运。比起1966-1976十年间没学可上的一代, 你已经是比较幸福, 但比起能在国外各地或者香港上学的一些中国小孩, 你当然是很不幸。现在唯有像Rachel一样,作为成年人只好努力为自己寻找一个好的方法去补救。



I congratulate you on this realisation.  You should be happy that you have found a better way to learn English.  


I hope you will be kind enough to tell all learners you know in your country about your realisation, so that they will be spared the pain and disappointment you went through.


I would like to give you this further piece of advice.  Learning English is about getting to know different values and lifestyles.  If you adopt this perspective or attitude, you will make much more rapid progress.


Be happy now.  It is a new dawn.  


There are probably 2 mainstreams of language learning ways: either active or passive learning. For most students who get high score in traditional education system, we may as well say they can fit in well with passive learning rather than active learning in spite some students are able to hold active learning in some measure. I am convinced that a good teacher can help students more than some poisonous teachers can ruin a student, neverthless, I believe a strong and decent motive is far more important than a good teacher. It goes without saying there has to to some marvels in the creation anyway. With exception of those prodigies, I would like to admit most of the students are so regular and common that most of them require good teachers, at least above average teachers to enhance or refine their English.




語言是不斷更新變化的...老師再厲害也不可能告訴你所有的方面....想依靠老師去學好一門外語其實是妄想, 外語牛的人沒多少人是認認真真聽老師講的, 老師說什麼就是什麼, 都是自己主動的學的....你不學會自己主動學習, 那門功課就不會給你好看的分數

還是別把語言只當一門工具來看....語言的功能何止工具這麼簡單, 沒有語言我們如何交流, 人類跟動物的不同有一個很重要的一點---我們有系統的語言, 我們不排除動物有語言, 但是他們畢竟只是靠聲波, 叫聲, 肢體動作來表達含義...我們的語言則要高級, 語言和工具是帶領人類走到現在的幫手.
