Is there a cram school in your country?

I often see many Korean students waiting for a transportation or eating some snacks in cram school streets on my way home from work. Is it also common sight in your country?

2014年11月24日 05:19
コメント · 9

I have not seen these in Canada. Our schools are very different from Korean schools I think. People are still very worried about getting good marks to get into University, but the real work starts after high school - where the undisciplined students have to learn how to work hard. Many drop out because they aren't ready. The biggest pressure for marks are for people trying to go to medical school, law school, and engineering.


제 고향이 미국 콜로라도 있어서 시골이에요. 거기엔 학원 없어요. 보통 중과 고등학생들이 스포츠나 음악이나 연극 등이랑 동아리 참가해요.

I'm from rural Colorado in the states. There are no cram schools there. Usually, middle and high school students paticpate in sports, music, theater or other clubs. 


Do you think if there is any possibility to develop cramp school business in Canada or USA? For sake of people who like to go to medical schools, law schools or technology university and so forth. 


I consider there is a prominent shortcoming for our children to attend the class in the cram school that is lack of social skill development. We do treat our children as animals in the circus without concerning their needs and fun. Everything done in the cram school is for the final score , if anything. That is very resembling merely concentrating on how good the animal can contribute to this circus instead of the reality they have to experience.


As CHYL recited, there are a broad spectrum of cram schools you may choose in Taiwan. It occurs to me that children/kids in Taiwan are more like animals in a circus where they have to learn different kinds of skill to show off to their parents or relatives. I do not like it at all. I would rather nurture my children in a more clever way to socialize people in the society and I am deeply convinced that would be helpful for their career and life in the future.
