
Can anyone recommend to me good textbooks for those just starting to learn Turkish? Something I can order from Amazon would be great.

2015年4月12日 13:25
コメント · 9

İf you want you can find free The ministry of education, Turkish books. You should look primary school 1. class. You can learn easy.


<em>Elementary Turklsh: A Complete Course for Beginners</em> by Kurtuluş Öztopçu is by far the best textbook. You can check out the author's website here: http://www.elementaryturkish.com


<em>A Student Grammar of Turkish</em> by F. Nihan Ketrez is the best grammar. It is aimed at beginners, and unlike other grammar books I have seen, has practice exercises to reinforce the concepts it covers.


If you are doing self-study, you need a lot of audio. Get the DVD course <em>Beginning Turkish</em> by Andras J.E. Bodrogligeti. It runs in a browser, and every word and sentence is hyperlinked to audio or video files. There are 29 videos, and 9,400 audio clips. See it here: http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/Books/bid1323.htm


It was a real struggle for me to find a textbook I like. I basically gave up on finding a textbook and settled with podcasts and web sites for learning. However, my sister recently gave me a textbook for Christmas called "the Delights of Learning Turkish" by Yaşar Esendal Kuzucu. Here are a couple reasons reasons why I like it:

- All of the dialogues have an accompanying vocabulary list. In other books it was so frustrating not knowing the vocabulary when you are just trying to learn grammar.

- It's written in a way that's easy for a non-linguist to understand. So many other books are overly-academic in my opinion.
