Is Google translater a good tool for searching the meaning of foreign words or sentences?

Google translater is a free service, that translates any word or sentence from any language to language what you want, However there are some students who distrust of its veracity.

What do you think about ?

2015年5月24日 20:08
コメント · 17

Be sure to check all details in the dictionary or online database that is not the ultimate answer to your question unless you may ponder over the sentences  you are reading or writing.


I prefer to use English-English dictionary to check if I misunderstand this word by checking my Enlgish-Chinese dictionary.



I avoid it.

 I only use it when I'm stuck and have the translation at the tip of my tongue but can't remember it.

I don't translate sentences or passages, only words and short phrases.

I haven't found an online translator I can trust yet .


If you really want to improve your vocabulary, you HAVE TO search the word you don't know in a dictionnary. Indeed, going on Google Translate is too simple, and you'll forget the meaning of that word in the following days if not earlier. Searching in a dictionnary really helps you to remember about that word.


That's my point of view :)


Google Translate can work in some situations, but I LOVE using Linguee. It is fun and free and compares a phrase in your language with a bunch of different translations from books and websites. It gives you more options for answers. However you can only type in a phrase, in Google Translate you can type as much as you want.




dictionary is what you need. try to read the definitions and figure out what that word means there are some dictionary that comes with traductions

or search the word on google 
