japanese internship ??

Hey guys, I'm Linda 21 years old and from Germany. At the moment I'm doing my best to be a kindergarten teacher (or any kind of helping hand for Kid's,teenager Or Children with special needs) I'm in my first year of training but I have lots of experience already. I lived in england and Ireland for about 1 and a half years and worked there as an au pair. I loved it and I really wanna go abroad again. In my training I need to do different  internships and the next one is coming soon (well I guess next year) so now my japanese is like....a rotten tomato...never really focused on learning it on my own, so I thought, what's better then visiting the country for a couple of months and learning the language right where it's coming from. (My English wasn't really good either before I lived in England). 

So nooow my question (maybe someone can help me) I would like to do an internship in Japan as a kindergarten teacher (or something) but I need people around me who can speak german or a german or English kindergarten. Would be awesome if someone maybe heard of something like this or knows someone who is working there or....knows someone who knows something or someone :P 

anyway would be awesome!! Thank you very very much and have a lovely day/evening/night ;) 


Linda ❤

2015年5月28日 11:40
コメント · 5

Please join the Japanese line group:


First of all, thank you guys :) will check them out ❤


Internships in Japan:

Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama:

Deutsche Schule Kobe:



Gaijinpot is a good website if you are looking for something in Japan. I don't know if some schools can offer a internship, but it's worth to contact them and tell your story. This link is useful, I think . Also, I've seen many foreigners working in thematic parks (Like Little World in Inuyama).


Try going on GOOGLE and search up some internships. They have internships for many things online and I am sure you can find something. If you find one, make sure you message me too ;)
