Armando J. Soto
Hello! I need your help!

Hello everyone!

I’m Armando from Puerto Rico. How are you? I’m wondering if someone can help me to do a surprise for my best friend’s birthday. I’m doing a video montage with people from all over the world wishing a Happy Birthday in their own language. I need people from ALL OVER THE WORLD at the moment I don't have any so EVERY country it's ok! Would you like to help me? I do really need your help! If you're interested let me know by a comment and I get to contact you with the other information... I'll be very glad if you guys can help me.

2015年7月23日 03:03
Armando J. Soto
英語, フランス語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, ナワトル語, ポルトガル語, アメリカ手話 (ASL), スペイン語, ユカテコ語
フランス語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, ナワトル語, ポルトガル語, アメリカ手話 (ASL), ユカテコ語